About us

Liveing Decentralized is a

We have been on the journey to live decentralized before we even knew what decentralized was. Before bitcoin and before organic was cool. For us it began with health, consciousness and parenting all from a place of inquiry and a rejection of the status quo. Little did we know that this would align so directly with what has become the ethos for bitcoin – "Don't Trust Verify".

Dont Trust Just Verify

Our Focus

We beleive becoming decentralized requires focsusing on shifting away from centralized services in the following fundamental areas.

Financial Sovereignty

Centralized banking robbs us of our purchasing power through debasement by printing money into existince from thin air and centralized governments enslave us through debt via taxation

Food/Health Sovereignty

Good health depends on good food. As the saying goes we are waht we eat and only by controlling the prodcution of our food can we assure our health.

Education/Data Sovreignty

You cannot verify if you are tracked and censored and ignorance is the weapon of the state. Institutionalized education will ony institualize not educate.